Urgent : total memory usage

From: Khalid Benhayoune (benhayoune_k@YAHOO.FR)
Date: Sun Jan 19 2003 - 13:36:40 EST

Hi all,

AIX 4.3.3

I writed the following script to estimate the total memory usage by all processes in the system based on the "virtual" colonne of the "svmon -C" command, but the result returned is always greater than the size of real memory (bootinfo -r).

Is that normal ? Did I miss something ? I really need your help.

Here is the script :




typeset -i totmem=0

for a in `ps -ef|grep -v "PID"|awk '{if ($5 ~ /:/) {print $8} else print $9}'|se

d "s/^-//"|sort|uniq`;do

totmem=$totmem+`svmon -C \`basename $a\` -n|head -n 4|tail -n 1|awk '{print $4}'

|sed "s/does/0/g"`



echo $totmem

exit 0


Thank you in advance.

System engineer/DBA
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