HACMP and the post-Oracle 8.1.7-install error message

From: Frye, Matthew (Matthew.Frye@REXHEALTH.COM)
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 04:43:03 EST

A story and a questions for AIX SysAdmins working with Oracle 8.1.7:

We installed Oracle 8.1.7 last week and had no problems until this morning
when the HACMP failed over thanks to dead-man-switch. When my DBA tried to
start srvmgr on the secondary node, it gave the following error:

0509-136 Symbol aix_ora_pw_version3_required (number 275) is not exported
 dependent module /unix.

Due to an environmental variable problem Oracle was not up at the time this
error occurred. However, I have read that this error is related to the
"rootpre.sh" script not having been run and certain kernel extensions having
been installed. Is it correct to presume that since this script was run on
my primary node, and not on my secondary that this cause the error once the
HA complex failed over? And if so, is it correct to presume that running
this pre-install script (or at least the relevant commands contained
therein) will implement the kernel extensions as required by Oracle 8.1.7
and it's gang of executables? Anyone had experience with this scenario?

Matt Frye
Sr. Systems Pgmr, RS/6000 Group
Rex Healthcare
(919) 784-3791 Office
(919) 310-2011 Pager

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