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Oracle for VMS FAQ

$Date: 07-Apr-1999 $
$Revision: 1.1 $
$Author: Ade Bullock $


  • A quick overview of the VMS environment for a new user.
  • How do I access SQL/Plus and other Oracle utilities on a VMS system?
  • Where are all the Oracle files?
  • How do I start up and shut down a database?
  • How do I create a new database instance on VMS?
  • How do I delete a database instance on VMS?
  • How do I set up SQL/NET on VMS?
  • Where can I get more info about DEC VMS?

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    A quick overview of the VMS environment for a new user.

    DCL Commands

    VMS provides a command line interface with a shell language called DCL. DCL has a rich set of commands and can be used to create script files (known as command procedures in VMS-speak). VMS commands tend to be meaningful and English (unlike their Unix counterparts) and are NOT case sensitive. Some of the main commands are:

    DIRECTORY - to list contents of a directory
    SHOW DEFAULT - to show current working directory
    SET DEFAULT - to change current working directory
    EDIT filename - to edit a file!
    TYPE filename - to list a file's contents on screen
    HELP - to get on-line help
    SEARCH - to search a set of files for a string
    DELETE filename- deletes the file
    PURGE filename - delete old versions of the file
    RENAME - rename the file
    RUN filename - runs a program - all programs have an extension .EXE
    @filename - runs a command procedure (has a .COM extension)
    Only the first significant characters of a command need to be entered, e.g. DIRECTORY can be shortened to DIR. Command shortcuts can also be created, e.g. entering the command PWD :== SHOW DEFAULT will allow you to use the command PWD instead of show default and entering CD :== SET DEFAULT will allow the use of CD to change directory.

    File Specifications

    File specifications are a little different in VMS from other operating systems. For instance the windows file specification c:\windows\system\readme.txt would look a little like the following in VMS:


    The ;1 indicates version 1 of the file. VMS creates a new version of a file when it is changed (don't you wish DOS did this). You can however start eating large amounts of disk space with multiple versions of the file so regular use of the PURGE command is recommended.

    Logical Names

    Another great feature of VMS is the use of logical names. A logical name can be used to represent a complete directory or file specification, the directory DUA0:[USERS.ADRIAN.DEVELOPMENT.CODE] could be represented by the logical name CODE$DIR. Instead of having to type in the complete directory specification to set default to this directory, I can instead type in CD CODE$DIR. Logical names are created using the DEFINE command.

    One very useful feature of logical names is it permits location independence for files. In the above example the directory can be renamed or moved to a different disk and provided the logical name is changed any commands or programs using the directory will still work. I would recommend that wherever a directory specification is required (either in a program or command file) a logical name is used instead. ORACLE on VMS makes extensive use of logical names.

    There is no real equivalent of a path in VMS. Logical names provide a much more flexible and manageable architecture than Unix or Dos paths. (It is actually possible to set up a logical name to point to several directories which performs a similar function to setting up a path).

    Automatically setting up a Customised VMS environment.

    Each user on VMS will normally have a command file which is automatically invoked upon login. By default the file is called LOGIN.COM and resides in the users login directory (pointed to by the logical name SYS$LOGIN). Any user defined logical names and command shortcuts can be set up in this file.

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  • How do I access SQL/Plus and other Oracle utilities on a VMS system?

    The Oracle environment for a VMS user is set up by running the appropriate ORAUSER_dbname.COM file. This sets up the necessary command symbols and logical names to access the various ORACLE utilities. Each database created on a VMS system will have an ORAUSER file in it's home directory and will be named ORAUSER_dbname.COM, e.g. for a database SALES the file specification could be:

    To have the environment set up automatically on login, run this command file in your file.

    To access SQLPLUS use the following command with a valid username and password:

    $ SQLPLUS username/password
    SQLDBA is also available on VMS and can be invoked similarly:
    $ SQLDBA username/password
    CTRL/K can be used to show the various key mappings required to drive the menu system of SQLDBA.

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  • Where are all the Oracle files?

    When Oracle is installed a root directory is chosen which is pointed to by the logical name ORA_ROOT. This directory can be placed anywhere on the VMS system. The majority of code, configuration files and command procedures are found below this root directory.

    When a new database is created a new directory is created in the root directory to store database specific configuration files. This directory is called [.DB_dbname]. This directory will normally hold the system tablespace data file as well as the database specific startup, shutdown and orauser files.

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  • How do I start up and shut down a database?

    There are several methods available for database startup and shutdown. ORACLEINS (the Oracle install program) and SQLDBA both have menu driven methods to start or stop a database.

    Alternatively use command files. The following commands will start a database called SALES (the command INSORACLE will install various shared images which improve Oracle performance):

    To start this database automatically when the VMS system is rebooted place these commands in a command procedure, e.g. DUA0:[ORACLE7]START_SALES.COM. Then edit the system startup file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM and add the following command at the end of the file:
    This will start a batch job running under the Oracle7 user account which will start up the database instance SALES.

    A database can be shut down by running the command procedure SHUTDOWN_dbname.COM which is found in the database's home directory.

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  • How do I create a new database instance on VMS?

    The easiest method is to use ORACLEINS and follow the menu driven commands to create a new database instance. The utility will ask for the database root directory, an instance name and a database name. ORACLEINS will present a set of default parameters for the database. These can be individually modified, in particular the database control files should be placed on different disks.

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  • How do I delete a database instance on VMS?

    There is no utility to delete a database however Oracle recommends the following procedure:

    1. Shut down the database.
    2. Edit the file ORA_RDBMS:ORA_RDBMS_SIDS.DAT and remove the reference to the database instance.
    3. Do the same again to the file ORA_UTIL:DATABASE.TXT
    4. All the database files can now be deleted without confusing Oracle.
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  • How do I set up SQL/NET on VMS?

    First, set up the LISTENER.ORA configuration file which defines the databases for which the listener will serve. The format of this file is well documented elsewhere and will look something like :

    When a server connection is initiated, the commands specified in the program file pointed at by the PROGRAM qualifier are executed. This file must set up the Oracle environment and start the server process. It is important to keep this file as small as possible to reduce initial connection time when connecting from clients.

    An example program file is shown below:

    $ PID=F$GETJPI("","PID")
    $ TAB="TNS_"+PID
    $ DEFINE ORA_SID SALES     ! The database name
    $ STAT = $STATUS
    There are three commands to control the listener process:
    $ LSNRCTL START         - start the listener
    $ LSNRCTL STATUS        - return listener status
    $ LSNRCTL STOP          - close the listener
    The LSNRCTL START command should be included in the system startup file if you require SQL/NET to be started automatically on VMS startup.

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  • Where can I get more info about DEC VMS?

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