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Oracle SQL*Plus FAQ

$Date: 29-Apr-2000 $
$Revision: 1.61 $
$Author: Frank Naudé $


  • What is SQL*Plus and where does it come from?
  • What commands can be executed from SQL*Plus?
  • What are the basic SQL*Plus commands?
  • What is AFIEDT.BUF?
  • How does one restore session state in SQL*Plus?
  • What is the difference between @ and @@?
  • What is the difference between & and &&?
  • What is the difference between ! and HOST?
  • What is the difference between ? and HELP?
  • How does one enable the SQL*Plus HELP facility?
  • How can one disable SQL*Plus prompting?
  • How can I trap errors in SQL*Plus?
  • How does one trace SQL statement execution?
  • How can I prevent SQL*Plus connection warning messages?
  • Can I prevent users from executing devious commands?
  • How can I disable SQL*Plus formatting?
  • Can one send operating system parameters to SQL*Plus?
  • Where can I get more info about SQL*Plus?

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    What is SQL*Plus and where does it come from?

    SQL*Plus is a command line SQL and PL/SQL language interface and reporting tool that ship with the Oracle Database Server. It can be used interactively or driven from scripts.

    SQL*Plus's predecessor was called UFI (User Friendly Interface). UFI was included in the first releases of Oracle, its interface was extremely primitive and all but user friendly.

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  • What commands can be executed from SQL*Plus?

    You can enter three kinds of commands from the SQL*Plus command prompt:

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  • What are the basic SQL*Plus commands?

    ACCEPT Get input from the user
    DEFINE Declare a variable (short: DEF)
    DESCRIBE Lists the attributes of tables and other objects (short: DESC)
    EDIT Places you in an editor so you can edit a SQL command (short: ED)
    EXIT or QUIT Disconnect from the database and terminate SQL*Plus
    GET Retrieves a SQL file and places it into the SQL buffer
    HOST Issue a operating system command (short: !)
    LIST Displays the last command executed/ command in the SQL buffer (short: L)
    PROMPT Display a text string on the screen. Eg prompt Hello World!!!
    RUN List and Run the command stored in the SQL buffer (short: /)
    SAVE Saves command in the SQL buffer to a file. Eg "save x" will create a script file called x.sql
    SET Modify the SQL*Plus environment eg. SET PAGESIZE 23
    SHOW Show environment settings (short: SHO). Eg SHOW ALL, SHO PAGESIZE etc.
    SPOOL Send output to a file. Eg "spool x" will save STDOUT to a file called x.lst
    START Run a SQL script file (short: @)

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  • How does one restore session state in SQL*Plus?

    Look at the following example (Oracle8):
                    SQL> STORE SET filename REPLACE
                    SQL> (do whatever you like)
                    SQL> @filename
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  • What is AFIEDT.BUF?

    AFIEDT.BUF is the SQL*Plus default edit save file. When you issue the command "ed" or "edit" without arguments, the last SQL or PL/SQL command will be saved to a file called AFIEDT.BUF and opened in the default editor.

    In the prehistoric days when SQL*Plus was called UFI, the file name was "ufiedt.buf", short for UFI editing buffer.

    When new features were added to UFI, it was the initially named Advanced UFI and the filename was changed to "aufiedt.buf" and then to "afiedt.buf". They presumably needed to keep the name short for compatibility with some of the odd operating systems that Oracle supported in those days.

    The name "Advanced UFI" was never used officially, as the name was changed to SQL*Plus before this version was released.

    You can overwrite the default edit save file name like this:

                    SET EDITFILE "afiedt.buf"
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  • What is the difference between @ and @@?

    The @ (at symbol) is equivalent to the START command and is used to run SQL*Plus command scripts.

    A single @ symbol runs the script in your current directory, or one specified with a full or relative path, or one that is found in you SQLPATH or ORACLE_PATH.

    @@ will start a sqlplus script that is in the same directory as the script that called it (relative to the directory of the current script). This is normally used for nested command files.

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  • What is the difference between & and &&?

    "&" is used to create a temporary substitution variable and will prompt you for a value every time it is referenced.

    "&&" is used to create a permanent substitution variable as with the DEFINE command and the OLD_VALUE or NEW_VALUE clauses of a COLUMN statement. Once you have entered a value it will use that value every time the variable is referenced.


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  • What is the difference between ! and HOST?

    Both "!" and "HOST" will execute operating system commands as child processes of SQL*Plus. The difference is that "HOST" will perform variable substitution (& and && symbols), whereas "!" will not. (Note: use "$" under MVS, VMS, and Windows environments, not "!")

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  • What is the difference between ? and HELP?

    There is no difference. Both "?" and HELP will read the SYSTEM.HELP table (if available) and shows help text on the screen.

    To use the help facility, type HELP followed by the command you need to learn more about. For example, to get help on the SELECT statement, type:

            HELP SELECT
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  • How does one enable the SQL*Plus HELP facility?

    To enable HELP for SQl*Plus, run the supplied SQL and Loader scritps to create the Help table and to populate it. Look at this Unix example: If the HELP command is not supported on your operating system, you can access the help table with a simple script like this:

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  • How can one disable SQL*Plus prompting?

    If you run a script that contains "&" symbols SQL*Plus thinks that you want to prompt the user for a value. To turn this off:
            SET ESCAPE ON
            SET ESCAPE "\"
            SELECT 'You \& me' FROM DUAL;
            SET DEFINE ?
            SELECT 'You & me' FROM DUAL;
    Note: You can disable substitution variable prompting altogether by issuing the SET SCAN OFF commmand.

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  • How can I trap errors in SQL*Plus?

    Use the "WHENEVER OSERROR ..." to trap operating system errors and the "WHENEVER SQLERROR ..." command to trap SQL and PL/SQL errors. Eg:


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  • How does one trace SQL statement execution?

    1. Run the PLUSTRCE.SQL script from the SYS database user. This script is located the in $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin.

    2. Create a PLAN_TABLE using the UTLXPLAN.SQL script. This script is in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin.

    3. Use the "SET AUTOTRACE ON" command to trace SQL execution. This will print the result of your query, an explain plan and high level trace information. Look at this example:
      SQL> set autotrace on
      SQL> select * from dual;
      Execution Plan
         0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE
         1    0   TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'DUAL'
                0  recursive calls
                2  db block gets
                1  consistent gets
                0  physical reads
                0  redo size
              181  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
              256  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
                3  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
                0  sorts (memory)
                0  sorts (disk)
                1  rows processed
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  • How can I prevent SQL*Plus connection warning messages?

    When I go to SQl*Plus, I get the following errors:

    Error accessing PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE
    Warning: Product user profile information not loaded!
    You may need to run PUPBLD.SQL as SYSTEM

    This messages will stop appearing when you create the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table in the SYSTEM schema. This is performed by the PUPBLD.SQL script.

    Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin directory, connect as SYSTEM and run @PUPBLD from the sqlprompt.

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  • Can I prevent users from executing devious commands?

    Yes, command authorization is verified against the SYSTEM.PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table. This table is created by the PUPBLD.SQL script. Note that this table is not used when someone signs on as user SYSTEM.

    Eg. to disable all users whose names starts with OPS$ from executing the CONNECT command:


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  • How can I disable SQL*Plus formatting?

    Issue the following SET commands to disable all SQL*Plus formatting:
            SET ECHO OFF
            SET NEWPAGE 0
            SET SPACE 0
            SET PAGESIZE 0
            SET FEEDBACK OFF
            SET HEADING OFF
            SET TRIMSPOOL ON
    These settings can also be entered on one line, eg.:
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  • Can one send operating system parameters to SQL*Plus?

    One can pass operating system variables to sqlplus using this syntax:
    	sqlplus username/password @cmdfile.sql var1 var2 var3

    Parameter var1 will be mapped to SQL*Plus variable &1, var2 to &2, etc. Look at this example:

    	sqlplus scott/tiger @x.sql  '"test parameter"' dual
    Where x.sql consists of:
    	select '&1' from &2;
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  • Where can I get more info about SQL*Plus?

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