importvg & /etc/filesystems

From: Andrew Garnett (andrewwdg@YAHOO.CO.UK)
Date: Tue Jan 28 2003 - 07:11:16 EST

during a failover exercise I ran an exportvg/importvg
to move disk VGs between machines and back again. All
worked fine.
However, we hit a problem whereby the importvg brought
the filesystems back into /etc/filesystems in a
different order. As we happen to have mount points
below mount points, a "mount all" caused the lowest
mount points to be unavailable.
I realise it's not recommended to have these mount
points, and/or I can re-edit the /etc/filesystems
afterwards, and/or I can mount them explicitly. My
question is - if I want it to be more automatic,
anyone know of a way to control the order they are
loaded back into /etc/filesystems ? (or has anyone
dealt with this before)

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