Re: FTP Umask?

From: Johnn D. Tan (jdtan@MED.CORNELL.EDU)
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 19:53:06 EDT


Just curious: how does AIX know to associate the 5021 port with the
new line you entered in inetd.conf? Is it the order that matters?


>Yes, this is possible. Requires the sys admin and the user to do a few
>things. If its a one time/infrequent deal then let them telnet and
>chmod, if not read on....
>In /etc/inetd.conf add a line like this
>ftp stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/ftpd ftpd -u 777
>In /etc/services add a line like this
>ftp 5021/tcp
>I have just picked a port number for the above, can be any valid port
>You can leave the existing entries for ftp in the above files as is for
>regular users who want to have the default values for umask.
>Recycle inetd
>stopsrc -s inetd ; startsrc -s inetd
>The user, depending on the ftp program being used will need to specify,
>the port number - 5021 in this case. If coming from another UNIX system
>then the ftp command has a parameter to specify the port number.
>For more info look at man pages for ftp and ftpd.
>Viren Gupta
>Time Inc
>antfio@MUZE.COM wrote:
>>Good Day,
>> I was wondering if it was possible to have a user FTP a file to AIX
>>with the permission of 777. Does anyone know if this is possible, or will he
>>just have to telnet in and chmod it later?

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