Re: FTP Umask?

From: Viren Gupta (virender_gupta@TIMEINC.COM)
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 16:18:45 EDT

Yes, this is possible. Requires the sys admin and the user to do a few
things. If its a one time/infrequent deal then let them telnet and
chmod, if not read on....

In /etc/inetd.conf add a line like this
ftp stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/ftpd ftpd -u 777

In /etc/services add a line like this
ftp 5021/tcp

I have just picked a port number for the above, can be any valid port
You can leave the existing entries for ftp in the above files as is for
regular users who want to have the default values for umask.

Recycle inetd
stopsrc -s inetd ; startsrc -s inetd

The user, depending on the ftp program being used will need to specify,
the port number - 5021 in this case. If coming from another UNIX system
then the ftp command has a parameter to specify the port number.
For more info look at man pages for ftp and ftpd.

Viren Gupta
Time Inc

antfio@MUZE.COM wrote:

>Good Day,
> I was wondering if it was possible to have a user FTP a file to AIX
>with the permission of 777. Does anyone know if this is possible, or will he
>just have to telnet in and chmod it later?

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