Memory and paging questions

From: Rod Jenkins (RodJ@IOWATELECOM.COM)
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 11:43:37 EDT

Hello all,

Here is my question:

Will perform page-in's and page-out's during regular operation?

Here is the background:

We have an S80 with 8GB of memory running oracle on AIX 4.3.3. During the
day, we have less that 200 pages of memory left. The system continues to
page, as I would expect. In my opinion, we have over allocated memory in
Oracle, or are allowing too may concurrent connections for the memory we
have. I say we need to add memory or limit the concurrent users. My boss
is of the mind that no matter how much memory we add AIX will page.

I have yet to attend the performance and tuning class, but hope to early
next year.


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