Change RAID Level on StorEDGE A3000

From: Warren Liang (
Date: Tue Nov 08 2005 - 12:31:03 EST


I have a Sun StorEDGE storage consists of an A3000 and five (5) D1000s. A Sun E450 connects to the storage.

A3000s Storage Group 1 consists of four (4) 18GB disks, with three (3) LUNs: LUN 0 is 10M; LUN 1 is 12G, and LUN 2 is 32G. Both LUN 1 and LUN 2 are in production with Oracle database on.

Currently, Group 1 is configured as RAID 0. I need to change it to RAID 5. I should have enough disk space to accommodate it. From Raid Manager (/usr/lib/osa/bin/rm6), under Group 1 icon, I can choose Modify RAID Level to change RAID level to 5. Can I do it when both device are mounted and Oracle database is up and running? Could it damage data? What is the best practice to accomplish this task?

Thanks in advance.

O/S: Solaris 8, Generic_117350-27.
StorEDGE: A3000 and D1000s.
Raid Manager:

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