Solstice admuseradd fails

From: Denes, Daniel (BG-IT 51) (
Date: Thu Sep 09 2004 - 12:08:27 EDT

Hello List,

a new colleague tries to add a user to our NIS+ domain. The home directory of
the new user should reside on a different server. My colleague is member of
the admin group. Still when running
admuseradd -u ... -c "..." -d /export/home/newUser -g ... -m -k
/home/skeleton/skel -s ... -x ns=NIS+ -x serv=... -x pw=CLR -x autohome=Y
-home=Y -x cred=N -x domain=... NewUser
(this command is for ages being assembled by a wrapper script so typos are out
of question), i get the error
ERROR: add user method failed: Security exception on host ... . USER ACCESS

The user identity (1234).... was received, but that user
is not authorized to execute the requested functionality on this system. Is
this user a member of an appropriate security group on this system?

Searching for this error, all i get is one Sun document that suggests the user
is not member of the admin group.

Any ideas?



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