LDAP Problem - auto_home

From: Martin Thorpe (Martin.Thorpe@DATAFORCE.co.uk)
Date: Fri Apr 02 2004 - 03:54:47 EST

Hi guys

This is possibly a very simple question for most people, but I am having
problems trying to modify the auto_home map in iDS 5.2, I have added a
directory_map into the automounter named tracking, this can be mounted
from any two machines; however I accidentally missed out the priority
order for the mounting, it is currently:


I want to change it to:


in order to explicity state the primary secondary order rather than
mount from either.

This is my .ldif file to make the changes:

dn: automountKey=tracking,automountMapName=auto_home,dc=domain,dc=co,dc=uk
changetype: modify
delete: automountInformation
automountInformation: "server_one,server_two(1):/export/tracking"
add: automountInformation
automountInformation: "server_one,server_two(1):/export/tracking"

This fails with ldap_modify_s: No such attribute

If I do an ldapsearch on this, I get back valid data, so there must be a
problem with my actual ldif file. Modifying other entries, deleting and
replacing seems to be quite straight forward but this is causing me some

Any ideas are appreciated, thanks.
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