From: MJF (pat@mjfassoc.com)
Date: Fri Jun 03 2005 - 14:08:37 EDT


We have a HP 2gig scsii drive in an old HP9000 Ebox running HPUX 9.04 and
want to make a dd copy of the drive to another drive. We installed a HP
compatible 2gig Seagate drive but did not configure it in SAM. We did have
the disktabs. Ioscan finds the drive & HPUX loads the device files for it.
We ran dd from the old to the new without errors and could see that it was
accessing each drive. When we try to boot to the new drive it throws a
Entry_init -4 error. Nothing we do gets the new drive to boot. We have tried
dd-ing to a tape, then to the new drive but it still doesn't boot.

Any suggestions?


MJF Associates

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