[HPADM] SUMMARY problem with fsadm

From: Harm Ensing (ensin001@hdxh0e.unix.telecom.ptt.nl)
Date: Fri Apr 09 2004 - 05:52:27 EDT

Here's the summary of replies I got to this guestion/problem:

> I'm having trouble with the fsadm command while trying to extend a filesystem.
> The filesystem is mounted:
> # mount|grep lvol9
> /volumes/v1 on /dev/vg00/lvol9 delaylog,nodatainlog on Sun Mar 14 18:29:00 2004
> and apparantly it is type vxfs:
> # grep lvol9 /etc/fstab
> /dev/vg00/lvol9 /volumes/v1 vxfs delaylog 0 2
> # fsadm -F vxfs -D /volumes/tsu
> Directory Fragmentation Report
> Dirs Total Immed Immeds Dirs to Blocks to
> Searched Blocks Dirs to Add Reduce Reduce
> total 334 342 238 0 2 12
> The logical volume has been extended:
> # bdf /volumes/v1
> Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
> /dev/vg00/lvol9 1048576 761154 270359 74% /volumes/v1
> # vgdisplay -v vg00
> .....
> LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol9
> LV Status available/syncd
> LV Size (Mbytes) 3000
> Current LE 750
> Allocated PE 1500
> Used PV 6
> But when I use fsadm to extend the filesystem to the full size it fails:
> # fsadm -F vxfs -b 3072000 /volumes/v1
> fsadm: the -b option requires "HP OnLineJFS (Advanced Vxfs)"
> Our first thought was that the VxFS package had not been installed, but:
> # swlist|grep -i vxfs
> B3929BA B.11.00 HP OnLineJFS (Advanced VxFS)
> And on similar systems we have done this several times without problems.
> What am I overlooking?

Thanks to:
James Lonski
David R Antoch
Kevin O'Donovan
Stuart Abramson
Craig E Johnson

These are the suggestions:

Re-install Online-JFS. By toggling the options a bit it should be possible to
re-install an re-activate the license without needing to reboot.

There was mention of a line in /etc/inittab :
  vxen::bootwait:/sbin/fs/vxfs/vxenablef -a
But I don't have this (vxenablef) on my systems so I don't really know
what to think of this.

Look at which 'fsadm' program is physically used. There are several on the system but this helped me no further.

There was a reference to a "vxlicense -c" command but I don't have this on my system. Neither does a license "enable" comamnd exist.

A reference to an ITRC file helped me a lot further.
SAM told me that the driver was 'OUT'.
( SAM => Kernel Config => Drivers => vxadv - Current State )
Setting it to 'IN' would result in creating a new kernel and reboot
which I haven't done yet.

So it appears that I do not have the extra cost Online JFS package installed properly and so cannot extend the filesystem with fsadm. I will have to (re-)install and reboot or unmount the filesystem, enlarge it with lvextend and then reorganize the filesystem with extendfs.


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