[HPADM] SUMMARY free disk space not released after a file remove

From: Javier Gonzalez Arenas (jgonzalez@conatel.com.uy)
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 11:09:53 EDT

Thanks for your opinions.

Many mails about having removed a file while a process had it opened.
This could be the case because the file was a Oracle dbf file and the database probably was running at removal time.
But there were shutdowns in between and this should recover the free space and unfortunatelly was not the case.
Others aimed at links between filesystems and/or same file isn't sitting "underneath" the mounted file system. I've double checked this with no luck.
One procedure specific to Oracle were offered.
One interesting answer about a file not filling the whole space it seems to has filled.

Having checked some of your tips and being unable to recover from this situation I will re-create the filesystem today using a backup/newfs/recover procedure.

All replies and original post are attached to this mail.

Many thanks and best regards,

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