[HPADM] SUMMARY : Webconsole

From: Gert Maaskant (G.Maaskant@css.nl)
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 07:20:05 EDT

Thanks yo al who replyed.

"Newell, Denise" <Denise.Newell@Arbella.com>
"Bill Hassell" <pooderbill@mindspring.com
Andy Cranston <Andy.cranston@selwaymoore.com>
Paul van Westerlaak <Paul.van.Westerlaak@rivm.nl>

The answer was:

Use the right browser ; Netscape 4.79;

Other browser could not support Java

We expect that the PCI card works without the 1-3 Console cable. Wrong. When
we connect the Consolecable and (using that black short cable) it works fine

Thanx for the great support.

Regards, Gert Maaskant

========================== Start quote =====================
The question was ...

I try to install a new RP2450 HP UNIX server. (Previouse called the A-Class
server) with a PCI based webconsole.
The partnummer A5858A of the webconsole.

I can configure the webconsuing using a cross-able on the ethernet connector
and Netscape (old versions 4.79).
Reset the webconsole, change the IP number of my laptop into the same subnet.
Still works fine. I can log on the webconsole.

But when I try to open the console (on VT100 emulation), the only thing I
see is a black screen. (zoom in or out, no differences )
When I set the emulation to HP9xx (can't exactly remember) the bottons at the
bottom of the screen come up.
That's the only thing I see.

What do I wrong ??
============================= End Quote ===================


CSS (Computer Services Solutions)

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