Problem with find -atime not finding files!

From: Green, Simon (Simon.Green@EU.ALTRIA.COM)
Date: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 06:37:06 EDT

We had /tmp on one of our servers get a bit full recently.
Investigating, I found that our standard cleanup script was correctly
scheduled, but there were loads of old files in /tmp.

The basic command in the script is "find /tmp -atime +3" (with a bunch of
other flags to restrict it a bit more. This is simply not finding any
(Actually, it finds a few files. These are mostly zero length.)

Some of these files are _months_ old, and they include files which I'm
_sure_ nobody could possibly be interested in. (Work files from other
clean-up scripts, for example.)

I tried it on my home directory with similar results. "find . -atime -3"
works/fails consistently with +3, returning a large number of files.

"-atime +1" actually returns lots of files, which would suggest that there
may be some other job running every day which is somehow accessing all of
these files.

Has anybody come across this sort of behaviour?
What do you have to do to actually change the last accessed time of a file?
I know "view" will do it, but more doesn't; neither do tar, backup or pax.

Simon Green
Altria ITSC Europe Ltd

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