Opinions on X-11 & tn3270 synthetic transactions

From: Chris Gregors (Chris.Gregors@TELUS.COM)
Date: Fri Jun 06 2003 - 13:12:19 EDT

We are working on doing performance measurements on different applications. One of the aspects we plan to measure is the user experience. This is typically done with synthetic (or vitrual) user sessions.
I've seen products that are capable of handling web transactions, but the list is short for performing X-11 & TN3270 transactions.
Can anyone speak about experiences they have with products that can handle X-11 & TN3270?
I've already seen Mercury Interactive's Topaz.

Chris Gregors
Telus Enterprise Solutions
Email: chris.gregors@telus.com <mailto:chris.gregors@telus.comPhone>
Phone: (780) 493-2450
Cell: (780) 718-5917


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