Re: Rule-of-thumb paging size algorithm

From: Green, Simon (Simon.Green@EU.ALTRIA.COM)
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 06:21:04 EST

For Google searches, unless you can come up with a fairly unique, specific
term - like an AIX message number - I find it's often best to start off with
something fairly general, then do a "Search within results".

If you're able to, you might like to take a look at Copernic, which I have
found to be quite useful in the past, although I haven't used it for a year
or so. (It's Windows software, and I use Linux at home and I'm not allowed
to install it at work.) You can find it through Tucows if you're
interested. I wouldn't use it for everything, but I've found it good for
obscure stuff when Google returns too many results. Copernic sends queries
to a range of different search engines, then filters the results.

Simon Green
Altria ITSC Europe s.a.r.l.

AIX-L Archive at

N.B. Unsolicited email from vendors will seldom be appreciated.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: pSeries AIX Geek [mailto:aixgeek@YAHOO.COM]
> Sent: 24 March 2003 22:08
> To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
> Subject: Re: Rule-of-thumb paging size algorithm
> Thanks -- this formula was exactly what I was looking
> for (I couldn't find it in the archives or in google
> because I tend to "overthink" my queries and have
> horrible search terms).

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