Re: PHP and Oracle

From: Chris Gregors (Chris.Gregors@TELUS.COM)
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 14:02:00 EST

Default copies of PHP don't include the oci8 (oracle 8) interface
compiled in. Most people compile in the MySQL interface as the default
database interface.

Your best bet is to do this:

1. Install an oracle client on the server
2. Install gcc on the server
3. Install apache source 2.0.44 on the server
4. Build apache with shared objects enabled
5. Install php 4.3.1 source on the server
6. Build php 4.3.1 with oci8 support and as a shared object (this will
use the oracle client install).

Example apache compile script (from a linux box):

        #! /bin/sh
        # Created by configure
        "./configure" \
        "--prefix=/usr/local/apache" \
        "--enable-module=so" \
        "--enable-module=ssl" \

Companion php compile script:

        #! /bin/sh
        # Created by configure

        './configure' \
        '--with-mysql' \
        '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' \
        '--with-imap' \
        '--with-imap' \
        '--with-imap' \
        '--with-kerberos' \
        '--with-imap' \
        '--with-kerberos' \
        '--with-imap-ssl' \

For the php compile you'll need to add --with-oci8

Have fun eh!

Chris Gregors
Telus Enterprise Solutions

I'm not really a jerk, I just have a personality and know how to use it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Spalding [mailto:ssaixadm@YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 11:38 AM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: PHP and Oracle

Anyone have experience installing PHP4 on AIX for use
with Oracle? I've just recently received a request to
put it on an AIX 4.3.3 server, and I'm thinking about
going to the Linux toolbox page to download a smit
installable version of PHP. However, I'm concerned
about if it will be able to connect to Oracle right
out of the box.

Anyone have any suggestions?


-Stephen Spalding

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