pdisk, no hdisk

From: Lloyd Dieter (ldieter@SNRGY.COM)
Date: Wed Feb 05 2003 - 21:30:59 EST


I recently installed a couple of used SSA drives for a customer. After
running cfgmgr, I get one of the drives with a pdisk, but no corresponding

I am aware that the most likely cause of this is that this drive was
previously attached to an SSA raid controller, and now is not.

Is there a way, without connecting to a raid controller, to "reset" this
drive such that it can be used on this older non-raid SSA controller?



    Lloyd Dieter        -       Senior Technology Consultant
                     Registered Linux User 285528
   Synergy, Inc.   http://www.synergyinc.cc   ldieter@snrgy.com
             Main:585-389-1260    fax:585-389-1267

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