Re: Daylight Savings time.

From: Pugliese, Edward (s11018@SLK.COM)
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 11:11:31 EST

Known problem.

        IY34798 for 4.3.3 systems

        IY34203 for 5.1.1 systems

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Zimmer [mailto:b.r.zimmer@WORLDNET.ATT.NET]
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 11:05 AM
To: aix-l@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Daylight Savings time.

This AM we were checking the time on our servers. A new server that had
recently been set up (within the last 4 months) was still displaying EDT. I
checked the TZ variable and it was set to "EST5EDT,," (sans quotes) Upon
investigation we find that the extra commas at the end were being set from
/etc/environment. I checked on another box that had the correct time and no
commas in the TZ variable, I used smit to update the time zone and it added
the commas to the TZ variable in /etc/environment.

Both boxes are at 4.3.3 ML10. Why is smit adding the commas? What is
their purpose? If smit is adding them I assume that it is a valid format,
but then why is the time not being displayed properly after the change from
Daylight savings time?

Bruce Zimmer

Central Data Systems

(248) 615-4644 (direct)

(248) 705-9231 (cell) <>

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