Daylight Savings time.

From: Bruce Zimmer (b.r.zimmer@WORLDNET.ATT.NET)
Date: Mon Oct 28 2002 - 11:05:05 EST

This AM we were checking the time on our servers. A new server that had
recently been set up (within the last 4 months) was still displaying
EDT. I checked the TZ variable and it was set to "EST5EDT,," (sans
quotes) Upon investigation we find that the extra commas at the end were
being set from /etc/environment. I checked on another box that had the
correct time and no commas in the TZ variable, I used smit to update the
time zone and it added the commas to the TZ variable in

Both boxes are at 4.3.3 ML10. Why is smit adding the commas? What is
their purpose? If smit is adding them I assume that it is a valid
format, but then why is the time not being displayed properly after the
change from Daylight savings time?

Bruce Zimmer

Central Data Systems

(248) 615-4644 (direct)

(248) 705-9231 (cell)

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