Top - Help

From: Theresa Sarver (IFMC.tsarver@SDPS.ORG)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 17:56:59 EDT

Hi all;

I just downloaded and installed TOP [for AIX] on one of our SP nodes (yes, the CPU bound one) for the Oracle DBA's to monitor their processes with. However, I am confused as to where TOP is getting it's MEMORY information from? This node has 4GB of physical memory and another 2GB of paging...yet that is not being reflected. Does anyone know where TOP gets it's information - or what these MEMORY numbers might be referring to?

Thanks in advance for the help;


load averages: 4.08, 4.29, 3.99 16:52:51
219 processes: 170 none, 27 idle
CPU states: 20.2% idle, 61.8% user, 17.3% kernel, 0.4% wait
Memory: 1843M Total. Real: 1024M, 1596M Free, 832M Buffers. Virtual: 819M

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