Turn on "audit"

From: Theresa Sarver (IFMC.tsarver@SDPS.ORG)
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 18:10:32 EDT

Hi all;

AIX v4.3.3 ML10

I have to turn on auditing. I've read through the Man Page, and have checked out the blurb on Auditing from the AIX 4.3 Sys Management Concepts: OS/Dev. From what I can tell I don't need to add/remove anything from any of the files in /etc/security/audit - right? So then is all I need to do really just a "/usr/sbin/audit start"? Seems a little too easy? Am I missing something here? - Well other than the obvious space issues that auditing is going to require.

Thanks for the help;

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