Re: Installing software from a different LPP during install

From: Yves Dorfsman (yves@ZIOUP.COM)
Date: Wed May 12 2004 - 04:52:42 EDT

On Wed, 12 May 2004, Green, Simon wrote:

> This is essentially what PSSP does on an SP2. In that case, the source for
> the PSSP filesets is simply NFS mounted, which is what I guess you'll have
> to do, like it or not.

Thanks, that is what I was afraid of. Now, you put your software in
lpp_source's (so you can push it too, or even pull it with nimclient),
then NIM ruins your exports file everytime it does an operation. How do
you handle that ? Or do you just put yoru sofware in normal directories,
as opposed to lpp_source ??


Yves Dorfsman                                   

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