SUMMARY: Missing authck file

From: Rarback, Harvey (
Date: Fri Feb 29 2008 - 20:55:41 EST

        I had asked:

> I am running Tru64 4.0f pk8. I am now required to switch from Base to
> Enhanced Security. The installation logs say that I successfully installed
> the subsets in 1999:
> OSFC2SEC440 C2-Security (System Administration)
> OSFXC2SEC440 C2-Security GUI (System Administration)
> However, the secsetup script invokes authck to check the consistency of the
> authentication database, but I can't find the file:
> # ls /tcb/bin

I received replies from Peter Stern <Peter.Stern at> and Oisin McGuinness <Oisin at>. Oisin hit the nail on the head:

The subsets were *not* installed when I built the system in 1999. If they were, the output of setld -i would include the "installed" field.

When I tried to install the subsets from the 4.0f CD, I had to first uninstall a bunch of patches from pk8 and beyond before setld would allow me to install the C2 subsets. Then when I went to reinstall all the patches, I had to remove all the customizations required to get OpenAFS running, reinstall the patches and then rebuild the kernel with OpenAFS support. Configuring Enhanced Security was a piece of cake compared to all the effort removing and reinstalling the patches.

Thanks very much, Oisin. You pointed me in the right direction.


Harvey Rarback                        phone:      (650)926-3963
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center    fax:        (650)926-4100
2575 Sand Hill Road                   home phone: (650)560-9111
Menlo Park, CA 94025   
       "Always tell the truth, that way you don't have to keep track."

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