SUMMARY: Sendmail and IPv6

From: Rudolf Gabler (
Date: Mon Jan 23 2006 - 08:37:21 EST

Hi all,

I got no reply for this issue but in the meantime I solved it:

O DontProbeInterfaces=True

is the setting in which prevents loopback interfaces to be
scanned (which results in the error issued).


Rudi Gabler

...Original message:
Hi all,

Our sendmail.8.13.1 from the internet express states (sendmail -d0.10 -bv
username) after a IPv6 setup of our Tru64 5.1b server:

... (snipped)
a.k.a.: [IPv6:fe80::616c:7430:0:0]
a.k.a.: [IPv6:2001:4ca0:4101:0:6963:7330::]
a.k.a.: []

And in the log it writes a gethostbyaddr error

 ..sendmail[1667266]: gethostbyaddr(IPv6:2001:4ca0:4101:0:6963:7330::)
failed: 1
 ..sendmail[1667266]: gethostbyaddr(IPv6:::736c:3000:0:0) failed: 1

A ifconfig alt0 tells me:

     inet x.x.x.x netmask ffffff00 broadcast x.x.x.x ipmtu 1500
     inet6 fe80::260:cfff:fe21:45de
     inet6 2001:4ca0:4101:0:81:bb:cc:4

which isn't what sendmail thinks the IPv6 address is. We are using 128 bit
IPv6 (no tunneling or 6to4 conversion etc.); DNS is set up properly (also
reverse mapping is o.k.)

What is going on?


Rudi Gabler

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