Update: Boot problem True64 5.0a

From: Christian Wessely (christian.wessely@uni-graz.at)
Date: Mon Jan 23 2006 - 04:23:37 EST

Hello Admin Wizards,

sorry for being imprecise and having to correct myself.

Although I use advfs in general, the root, swap, usr, and var
filesystems are LSM devices.

My complete diskconfig is as follows:

internal scsi-disks
/ rootdg.rootvol -> /dev/vol/rootdg/rootvol root_domain#root
SWAP rootdg.swapvol (length: 786432 with 512 MB RAM)
/usr rootdg.usrvol -> /dev/vol/rootdg/usrvol usr_domain#usr
/var usr_domain#var

dsk2c - data_domain#data (unused)
dsk3c - rest_domain#rest (unused)
dsk5c - home_domain#home # Backupbereich Userdaten
dsk6c - src_domain#src # Sourcen

dsk13c - inst_domain#institute # Backupbereich Institutsdaten
dsk14c - benutzer_domain#benutzer # apache / forumsbereich
dsk15c - backup_domain#backup # backupbereich DTP-Raum

I think this changes the main focus of my question to "how do I add some
of the unused space on rest_domain#rest to the swapvol ?


when I came back to office from the weekend, one of my machines was down.

Having restarted it, I had a look at the /var/adm/messages that says
_really_ very often:

vmunix: swap space below 10 percent free
unable to obtain requested swap space
last message repeated for 1143 times

I guess this might have something to do with the downtime.
What are the options?
Do I have to resize (?) the swap partition (I use advfs)?
Would it be good to reassign processes... (and if so, how ;o) ? )

Would be grateful for a hint


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