broken setld on one member after dupatch to 5.1B-2

Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 08:44:06 EDT

Hi alpha gurus!

I'm asking for your help about my two-members TruCluster 5.1B
which I updated to 5.1B-2

I did a no-roll update starting dupatch on member1.
All went properly up to the
   configuration of patches on member0 and member1
   and to the kernel building of member1 (which also went ok)

Then dupatch wrote:
  Waiting for all cluster members to complete event operation...
  Members member1 member2 did not respond to the cluster-wide event to perform
       the patch operation. Please check these members.

It then installed some other patches and finally it wrote:

  Press RETURN to proceed...
  Waiting for all cluster members to complete event operation...
  cp: //etc/evmlogger.conf.orig: No such file or directory
  Waiting for other cluster members to reboot...

But nothing happened on both members (they were happily working as usual)
After a long while (a couple of hours) I rebooted member2,
create its new /vmunix using doconfig and booted it again.
It started working properly.

Then I copied on member1 the new vmunix to /vmunix and rebooted it.

The cluster was working properly, but all the new patches
(Patch: SP04 ...) were said to be "not installed" on member2 while they
were "installed" on member1

Thank to a previous mail read from this list I discovered that in
there were the required *.sts files ("_INSTALLED") while in
they were missing (and thus links in /usr/.smdb. were broken on member2)

I'm sure it was due to the fact that during dupatch there has been not any
patch configuration phase on member2.

Anyway I copied the missing *.sts file
 from /usr/cluster/members/member1/.smdb.
 to /usr/cluster/members/member2/.smdb.
and now setld says on both members that the patches are installed.

So, finally, my question for you gurus is:

Since the cluster is working well, can I suppose everything is fine now?
Do you think the cluster will have problems related on the above matter?

Thank you very much from Italy,
Emanuele Lombardi

$$$ Emanuele Lombardi
$$$ mail:  ENEA  CLIM  Casaccia
$$$        I-00060 S.M. di Galeria (RM)  ITALY
$$$ tel	+39 0630483366 
$$$ fax	+39 0630484264             |||
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$$$ What does a process need        |   /"\
$$$ to become a daemon ?            |   \v/
$$$                                 |    | 
$$$ - a fork                        o---/!\---
$$$                                 |   |_|
$$$                                 |  _/ \_
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$$$* True programmers never die, they just branch to an odd address

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