Changing the domain and DNS server slowed file transfer

From: Praveen Patle (
Date: Tue Sep 14 2004 - 23:20:38 EDT

Hello Tru64 Managers:

We have two LANs and
Each LAN have 3 TruClusters and some Windows boxes.

I had to change the domain name and DNS server on all
the servers in both LAN.
After I changed the domain name and DNS server, I am
facing a problem in transferring files using FTP. FTP
is painstakingly slow. It transfers files at 3 KB/sec.

Earlier, my DNS was on a Tru64 box and now the DNS is
running on a Windows box. I have the DNS box on .42
network. I am pointing all the servers on .43 network
to this DNS server. Could this be a problem? Is there
some setting I had to do to make the FTP work?

I checked the NIC speeds, all of them are running a
100 Full Duplex. I added an entry in /etc/inet.local
to make sure my NICs come up as 100 duplex. All the
servers can see each other by names as well.

Please let me know if there are some settings I have
to change.

Thanks a lot in advance.


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