AFS, Kerberos 5 and OpenSSH

From: Padiyath Sreekumaran (
Date: Fri Jun 18 2004 - 05:51:06 EDT


   Iam trying to install Kerberos 5(with SIA) with AFS and OpenSSH.

   At present we use Kerberos 4 with AFS.

   The situation is like this:

   OS : Tru64 V5.1A

   IBM AFS 3.6 client version

   OpenSSL version tried : openssl-0.9.7d

   Kerberos 4 veriosn : krb4-1.3rc1

   Kerberos 5 version : heimdal-0.6.2


      I did the following: Compiled with cc and installed in
        (openssl) /usr/local/ssl directory.(env "CC=cc" /Configure)


   Kerberos 4 installation: Installed in default directory /usr/Athena
                      (env "CC=cc" ./configure --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl


    Heimdal installation : Installed in /usr/local directory
                   (env "CC=cc" ./configure --with- krb4=/usr/athena
--with-krb4-include=/usr/athena/include --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl
--with-openssl-include=/usr/local/ssl/include --with-x)


    When I try to execute /usr/local/bin/kinit command I get the following
error and a core dump.

     #/usr/heimdal/bin/kinit gsell

     gsell@AFSTEST.PSI.CH's Password:

     kinit: Fatal: could not seed the random number generator

     resources lost(coredump)

     I would like to know the following:

   1. Which version of OpenSSL , Kerberos 4 , Kerberos 5(with SIA) and
        OpenSSH I have to use?
   2. Which Compile I have to use?
   3. Has any one installed these SW on their machines?


        I will appreciate very much if any one can give some help.
        I have the config.log and make output saved in a file from Heimdal.

         Thanks in advance,

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