rsh and exit codes

From: Browett, Darren (
Date: Thu Apr 22 2004 - 18:30:13 EDT

Hi Managers

I have a small script, that has a "exit 1" in it.
If I run the command locally then do a echo $? I receive 1 (one) as the

But if I run it through rsh, then answer to echo $? is always zero.
(see script below)

Is that the expected behaviour ?

if it is, does anybody know of a way I can capture the exit code of a
remotely executed script.



This is Tru64 5.1b, patch kit 3.

script to test exit code :


for iHOST in trac1 trac2 ; do

rsh $iHOST "/ora/dba/sbin/ ; echo $?"


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