Configuring xerox 2101 fiery ex2101 on tru64

From: Rock Pomerleau (
Date: Fri Apr 02 2004 - 14:43:14 EST


We've just received a new xerox printer model 2101 bind with a Fiery ex2101.
When I execute a lpq -P on the printer, the response is:
srvux-dge: Warning: no daemon present
srvux-dge: Fri Apr 2 14:12:21 2004: waiting for Xerox-Repro2 to come up
Rank Pri Owner Job Files Total Size
1st 0 lpprod 448 ... 5291 bytes
2nd 0 root 449 /etc/printcap 3094 bytes

no entries
I try to restart lpd daemon but that change nothing.

Here is the printcap for that printer:

I ping the server and it answer.
Any ideas


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