problem with swap

From: Josiane Tack (
Date: Tue Jan 20 2004 - 11:31:08 EST


I have a problem of swaping....

1- The configuration of the station

my station is a COMPAQ AlphaServer DS10 617 MHz Tru64 UNIX V5.1A
with 1 Go of RAM

the configuration of the swap is:

B# swapon -s
Swap partition /dev/disk/dsk0b:
    Allocated space: 98304 pages (768MB)
    In-use space: 1 pages ( 0%)
    Free space: 98303 pages ( 99%)

Swap partition /dev/disk/dsk1a:
    Allocated space: 256000 pages (1.95GB)
    In-use space: 1 pages ( 0%)
    Free space: 255999 pages ( 99%)

Total swap allocation:
    Allocated space: 354304 pages (2.70GB)
    In-use space: 2 pages ( 0%)
    Available space: 354302 pages ( 99%)

the others configurations are:

B# /sbin/sysconfig -q proc
max_proc_per_user = 256
max_threads_per_user = 1024
per_proc_stack_size = 33554432
max_per_proc_stack_size = 33554432
per_proc_data_size = 1073741824
max_per_proc_data_size = 1073741824
max_per_proc_address_space = 4294967296
per_proc_address_space = 4294967296
executable_stack = 0
autonice = 0
autonice_time = 600
autonice_penalty = 4
open_max_soft = 4096
open_max_hard = 4096
ncallout_alloc_size = 8192
round_robin_switch_rate = 0
sched_min_idle = 0
give_boost = 1
maxusers = 1024
num_wait_queues = 1024
num_timeout_hash_queues = 1024
enhanced_core_name = 0
enhanced_core_max_versions = 16
exec_disable_arg_limit = 0

# /sbin/sysconfig -q vm
ubc_minpercent = 10
ubc_maxpercent = 100
ubc_borrowpercent = 20
vm_max_wrpgio_kluster = 32768
vm_max_rdpgio_kluster = 16384
vm_cowfaults = 4
vm_segmentation = 1
vm_ubcpagesteal = 24
vm_ubcfilemaxdirtypages = 4294967295
vm_ubcdirtypercent = 40
ubc_maxdirtywrites = 5
ubc_maxdirtymetadata_pcnt = 70
ubc_kluster_cnt = 32
vm_ubcseqstartpercent = 50
vm_ubcseqpercent = 10
vm_csubmapsize = 1048576
vm_ubcbuffers = 256
vm_syncswapbuffers = 128
vm_asyncswapbuffers = 4
vm_clustermap = 1048576
vm_clustersize = 65536
vm_syswiredpercent = 80
vm_troll_percent = 4
vm_inswappedmin = 1
vm_page_free_target = 512
vm_page_free_swap = 266
vm_page_free_hardswap = 8192
vm_page_free_min = 20
vm_page_free_reserved = 10
vm_page_free_optimal = 266
vm_swap_eager = 0
swapdevice = /dev/disk/dsk0b,/dev/disk/dsk1a
vm_page_prewrite_target = 1024
vm_ffl = 1
ubc_ffl = 1
vm_rss_maxpercent = 100
anon_rss_enforce = 0
vm_rss_block_target = 266
vm_rss_wakeup_target = 266
kernel_stack_pages = 0
vm_min_kernel_address = 18446741891866165248
malloc_percpu_cache = 1
vm_aggressive_swap = 0
new_wire_method = 1
vm_segment_cache_max = 50
gh_chunks = 0
rad_gh_regions[0] = 0
rad_gh_regions[1] = 0
rad_gh_regions[2] = 0
rad_gh_regions[3] = 0
rad_gh_regions[4] = 0
rad_gh_regions[5] = 0
rad_gh_regions[6] = 0
rad_gh_regions[7] = 0
rad_gh_regions[8] = 0
rad_gh_regions[9] = 0
rad_gh_regions[10] = 0
rad_gh_regions[11] = 0
rad_gh_regions[12] = 0
rad_gh_regions[13] = 0
rad_gh_regions[61] = 0
rad_gh_regions[62] = 0
rad_gh_regions[63] = 0
gh_min_seg_size = 8388608
gh_fail_if_no_mem = 1
private_cache_percent = 0
gh_keep_sorted = 0
gh_front_alloc = 1
replicate_user_text = 1
enable_yellow_zone = 0
boost_pager_priority = 0
kstack_free_target = 5

2- my problem

when I excute a C program I can't allocate a size table greater then the memory

# ./a.out
try to allocate memory of 1092.727051 Mo...
1030 1030 1030 ... allocation failure 3 in f3tensor()

My question is:
Why my station can't use memory swap (2.70GB) to excute this program?
It seams like only RAM can be use...

What is wrong in my configuration ?

Best Regards


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