SUMMARY: LAG on primary network

From: Balaji Chandrasekar (
Date: Tue Jan 20 2004 - 11:20:51 EST

Thanx to

Dan Price
Joachim Jäckel
Ian barker

I have attached the two replies, thanx again

Ian Barker Wrote

I did some testing in this area previously, and it seems that
because lag0 is not automatically created prior to rc.config
being parsed, this config fails.

The solution was to do the lag creation and ifconfig work in
/etc/inet.local instead, so that it is done after rc.config
and just use a non-lag config on ee0 in /etc/rc.config

i.e. bring the network up on just ee0 at boot, then add the
redundant LAG connection shortly afterwards.

cat >> /etc/inet.local << EOD
echo "Starting Ethernet LAG."
ifconfig ee0 down speed 200
ifconfig ee2 down speed 200
lagconfig -c lag=lag0
lagconfig -c dist=roundrobin
lagconfig -p ee0 key=1
lagconfig -p ee2 key=1
ifconfig ee0 up
ifconfig ee2 up
ifconfig lag0 netmask

Joachim Jäckel Wrote


yes i just configured LAG on a v5.1A system.

I did the following:
- normal network configuration for the first interface ee0
- added the following lines to /etc/inet.local
echo "/etc/inet.local: configuring link aggregation:"
ifconfig ee0 down
ifconfig ee0 delete
lagconfig -c lag=lag0
lagconfig -p ee0 key=1
lagconfig -p ee1 key=1
ifconfig lag0 $IFCONFIG_0 up
echo ""

I think, Netrain and LAG cannot coexist on the same

It is important, that there is a network config for one
in /etc/rc.config. Before i did this, the default route was
So, in /etc/rc.config i find the following lines:
export NETDEV_0
IFCONFIG_0=" netmask"
export IFCONFIG_0

Greetings from Berlin, Germany

Joachim Jaeckel
---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 09:30:11 -0500
>From: Balaji Chandrasekar <>  
>Subject: LAG on primary network  
>Has anybody tried to configure lag(link aggregation) on 
>primary network.
>We have a v5.1B machine which has 4 NIC ports 
>(ee0,ee1,ee2,ee3) and want to use ee0 and ee2 for LAG.
>Does anybody know if we could just change the /etc/rc.config 
>file like to do for NetRAIN to configure LAG too?
>Balaji Chandrasekar
Balaji Chandrasekar

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