XP1000 doesn't boot

From: Matthias Reichelt (Matthias.Reichelt@physik.uni-marburg.de)
Date: Thu Nov 27 2003 - 12:51:43 EST

Hi everybody,

we have a XP1000 which does not boot any more. After pushing power it
beeps three times and shows no video signal. I opened the box and found
6 LEDs numbered from D16-D21. The D18 stays dark.

Does anybody know which hardware defect this could be? Is there a
documentation for the LED-error code?

Thanks in advance,
Matthias Reichelt

| Matthias Reichelt     |                          |
| Department of Physics | phone: +49-6421-28-24217 |
| Philipps-University   |                          |
| Renthof 5             | fax:   +49-6421-28-27076 |
| 35032 Marburg         |                          |
| Germany               |                          |

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