Can I determine the number of cpus via system call?

From: Dr. David Kirkby (
Date: Tue Jun 03 2003 - 14:04:06 EDT

Is there a system call that will allow one to determine the number of
active cpus?

In Solaris is there a system call 'processor_info', which will tell
you if a particular processor ID is online or off-line, and if online
some information about it. I'd like to try to get similar information
from within a C program under Tru64.

Dr. David Kirkby,
Senior Research Fellow,
Department of Medical Physics,
University College London,
11-20 Capper St, London, WC1E 6JA.
Tel: 020 7679 6408 Fax: 020 7679 6269
Internal telephone: ext 46408

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