SUMMARY: User timeouts

From: McCracken, Denise (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 15:47:12 EDT

Thanks fo Jay Wren, Jim Fitzmaurice, Michael Deacy, Bruce Hines, David
DeWolfe and anyone i've missed.

The solution is, for ksh, set the enviro TMOUT=n where n is in seconds.
For /sbin/sh, the variable is TIMEOUT and is in minutes.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-François Blanchet []
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 12:11 PM
Subject: SUMMARY: script for replacing Null character in files

My question:

   I want to find and replace ascii character 00 by blank in file.

   I have 125 files to do.

   Can you give me a solution with unix utilities?


A lot of good responses,
but I have use this one:

perl -pi -e 's/\x00/ /g;' filename

Using wildcards in the filename is valid, too.

for i in <filelist>; do tr "\0" " " <$i >$i.nonul; cp $i.nonul $i; rm -f
$i.nonul; done;

foreach x (*)
  echo $x
  cat $x | tr '\000' ' ' > ${x}.NEW
  mv $x.NEW $x
    P. Farrell, Jan 15, 2003

    Program to read std input, translate all null characters
(\000) to blanks, and write to standard output.

    Compile with:
        cc -o chnulltoblank chnulltoblank.c

    Use like this:
        chnulltoblank < inputfile > outputfile
#include <stdio.h>

   char ch = '\0';
   char null = '\0';
   char blank = ' ';

   while((ch = getc(stdin)) != EOF) {

      if( ch != null )

   } /* end of read loop */

   fclose(stdout); /* so next program in pipe sees EOF properly */



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