Summary Firmware Upgrade AlphaStation 255

From: Birgitt =?iso-8859-1?Q?Börsch-Pulm?= (bbp@Uni-Koeln.DE)
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 02:51:41 EST


Thank you for all who have answered, too much to mention all of them.
They all told me that there wasn't a firmware upgrade for my old
AlphaStation during the last years, so I can take the last one on the CD.
In the meantime I did the upgrade and it worked, but only when I took the
system with the disc partitions as they were. My try to change the
partitions during the installation dialog ended in a system halt (he told
me that he can't find some files in /mnt..... and /tmp) after the dialog.

Thanks to all

Birgitt Börsch-Pulm

Birgitt Börsch-Pulm

Universität zu Köln
Inst. f. Theor. Chemie
Prof. Dr. M. Dolg
Greinstr. 4 Tel. : 0221-470-6888
50939 Köln E-Mail : bbp@Uni-Koeln.DE

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