SUMMARY : xlock or xlockmore

From: Padiyath Kumar (
Date: Wed Mar 05 2003 - 02:23:41 EST

   I got replies from the following people. Many thanks.
   Octave Orgeron and Octave Orgeron.
   HP suggested me to remove the following lines from
   mode.h (xlockmore-5.06/xlock/mode.h) file and then compile.
   I could compile with ANSI C-Compiler and gcc.

#ifdef HAVE_CXX
 #define MODE_solitare

 #ifdef MODE_solitare
 extern ModeHook init_solitare;
 extern ModeHook draw_solitare;
 extern ModeHook release_solitare;
 extern ModeHook refresh_solitare;
 extern ModeSpecOpt solitare_opts;

  Since we use AFS I had to create a version which works with
AFS.(./configure --enable-afs)
   There I had some problems regarding the compilation. I was always getting
  following errors during the link operation:

  g++ -g -O2 -o ../xlock/xlock ../xlock/xlock.o ../xlock/passwd.o
../xlock/resource.o ../xlock/pars
ecmd.o ../xlock/util.o ../xlock/logout.o ../xlock/mode.o
../xlock/xlockimage.o ../xlock/ras.o ../
xlock/xbm.o ../xlock/vis.o ../xlock/visgl.o ../xlock/color.o
../xlock/random.o ../xlock/iostuff.o
 ../xlock/automata.o ../xlock/spline.o ../xlock/sound.o ../xlock/erase.o
../xlock/magick.o ../xl
ock/vtlock.o ../xlock/vtlock_proc.o ant.o apollonian.o ball.o bat.o blot.o
bouboule.o bounce.o b
raid.o bubble.o bug.o clock.o coral.o crystal.o daisy.o dclock.o decay.o
deco.o demon.o dilemma
.o discrete.o dragon.o drift.o euler2d.o eyes.o fadeplot.o flag.o flame.o
flow.o forest.o galaxy
.o goop.o grav.o helix.o hop.o hyper.o ico.o ifs.o image.o juggle.o
julia.o kaleid.o kumppa.o l
aser.o life.o life1d.o life3d.o lightning.o lisa.o lissie.o loop.o
lyapunov.o mandelbrot.o marqu
ee.o matrix.o maze.o mountain.o munch.o nose.o pacman.o penrose.o petal.o
petri.o polyominoes.o
 puzzle.o pyro.o qix.o roll.o rotor.o scooter.o shape.o sierpinski.o
slip.o space.o sphere.o sp
iral.o spline.o star.o starfish.o strange.o swarm.o swirl.o t3d.o tetris.o
thornbird.o tik_tak.o
  triangle.o tube.o turtle.o vines.o voters.o wator.o wire.o world.o
worm.o xcl.o xjack.o soli
tare.o bomb.o blank.o random.o -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib
-L/usr/dt/lib -lSM -lI
CE -lXmu -lXpm -lttf -lDtSvc -L/usr/afsws/lib -L/usr/afsws/lib/afs -lkauth
-lubik -lprot -lrxkad
 -lrx -llwp -lauth -lsys -ldes -lcmd -lcom_err /usr/afsws/lib/afs/util.a
-laudit -lX11 -lXext -lm
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
*** Exit 1
*** Exit 1

     So I had to rearrange the position of libraries during the linking as
given below:

  -L/usr/local/lib -lSM -lICE -lXmu -lXpm -L/usr/afsws/lib -L/usr/afsws
/lib/afs -laudit -lX11 -lXext -lm -lkauth -lafsrpc -lrxkad -lubik -lprot
-lrxkad -lrx -llwp -lauth
 -lsys -ldes -lcmd -lcom_err /usr/afsws/lib/afs/util.a -lpthread -laudit

   Thanks for the help especially to HP and the people replied.


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