Reading uaio output

From: Tracy Horstman (
Date: Wed Feb 26 2003 - 23:02:50 EST

I'm rather new to this whole iostat - uaiostat. I was sent this file by
some SAs to analyze but don't know where to begin. I can't tell what
options were used with uaio. I hate to guess what it's trying to tell
me. I'm hoping someone out there can provide me a clue as to where to
begin to read this thing. I need someone who can start with the basics
such as what is transfer (read/writes in and out?), and what are some of
the file headings usually found with uaio so maybe I could make sense of
the data under the file headings. I'm not going to include the file
with this as it's rather long and don't want to waste everyone's
bandwidth on it - only those brave few who want to take a look.

Tracy Horstman

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