can't outbound ftp after installing Internet Express

From: Davis, Alan (
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 13:54:29 EST

I've installed the Internet Express kit v5.9 onto a v5.1A pk3 system and can
no longer ftp out from it to another v5.1a pk3 system.

The messages are :

# ftp ginger
ftp: connect to address ::ffff:10.10.NNN.NN: Connection refused
Trying ::ffff:10.10.NNN.NN...
ftp: connect to address ::ffff:10.10.NNN.NN: Connection refused
Trying ::ffff:10.10.NNN.NN...
ftp: connect: Connection refused

I've been thru the IX docs and release notes and I don't see anything
relating to this. The wu-ftpd daemon /shouldn't/ change ftp, and I don't see
an ftp binary in the subset, but something has obviously changed.

What must I do to regain ftp capability?

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