SUMMARY: creating a filename with yesterdays date.

From: Jim Kurtenbach (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 12:38:03 EST

Quite a while ago I asked for suggestions on how to create a log file with
yesterdays date as part of the name. In this particular case we collect
performance data all day and generate a summary shortly after midnight. We
wanted the filename to reflect the day that the data was collected.

Several people responded with many excellent suggestions. Unfortunately, I
didn't keep track of the contributors. A very special Thank You is due for
all those that responded!!

This is how the solution finally ended up looking:


use POSIX;

$date = strftime"%e%b%Y",localtime(time-86400);
$date =~ s/\s+//;

open OUT,">>/var/opt/pm/data1/$date";

close OUT;


James Kurtenbach
Clinical Reference Laboratory
8433 Quivira
Lenexa, KS 66215
(913) 693 2508 (direct)
(913) 492 3652 (operator assisted)

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