ZLXp-L2 unter Tru64 V5.x

From: Evelin Langner (langner@hmi.de)
Date: Fri Sep 27 2002 - 07:05:53 EDT


has anyone experience with the graphic card ZLXp-L2 in an alpha station
and tru64 UNIX V5.x.

I have tried to install a new System V5.1A on an AlpaStation 500/333
with that grahic card and got already trouble with the graphic
installation process (in VGA mode) so that I installed the system in the
text mode. After that I tried to install the PowerStorm 4D51T driver in
the hope that the ZLXp-L2 card will work with it but it didnīt. Is it
really not possible to work with other graphic cards but PowerStorm 300
and 4D51T as it is mentioned in the release notes?

      Evelin Langner

      HMI Berlin GmbH | E-mail: langner@hmi.de
      Abt. I/DN |
      Glienicker Str. 100 | Tel.: +49 30 8062-2572
      D - 14109 Berlin | Fax: +49 30 8062-2096

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