rmvol problem (Please HELP) Tru64 Unix

From: Ebele Mba \[ MTN - UBA \] (EbeleM@mtnnigeria.net)
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 11:43:23 EDT

I will be glad if anyone can come to my rescue.

I used rmvol to remove a volume from a domain and had the following error:

rmvol: Removing volume '/dev/disk/dsk5c' from domain 'oracle2'
Error from set_usage -1 setting disklabel on /dev/disk/dsk5c
rmvol: Removed '/dev/disk/dsk5c' from domain 'oracle2'

Now I can no longer add the volume to any another domain. An attempt to do
that using addvol results in the following error:

Error: /dev/rdisk/dsk5c or an overlapping partition is open.
addvol: can't add volume '/dev/disk/dsk5c' to domain 'oracle2'

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