ftp processes hanging around

From: fybar (fybar@shaw.ca)
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 13:52:40 EDT

I have a 4.0f system that has 50 ftpd process that all look like:

username 18429 0.0 0.0 1.77M 0K ?? I Apr 29
    0:00.03 -comput.intern (ftpd)

Everything is the same except the process id and the time, which varies from
0:00:02 to 0:01:03. I can kill them one at a time, but I would rather know
why they are haning around. When I try to ftp to another computer, from
this one, I get:

ftp: connect: Address already in use

I killed a couple of the ftp processes and then was able to ftp to another
system. What is going on here?



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