SUMMARY:v5.1 stale vs valid devices

From: O'Brien, Pat (
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 13:50:58 EDT

I recieved 2 replies both close to the same using different commands. Use
hwmgr to display with full option, then use hwmgr to delete with id option,
then perform scan, and then use dsfmgr to move devices back to desired
devices with the caveat of lsm would be a issue if in use on the devices.
This was not the case and this procedure worked.

After adding a new hba, I am getting many errors "LIDs do not match -
Removing PATH to device" events being posted. In performing hwmgr -show
scsi -full, I see stale devices and valid|active devices. How do you remove
the stale devices? There are only 2 relevent summary's in the archive, and
neither describe command used.

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