Mounting 80Gb USB disk with FAT32 filsystem

From: Frode Stromsvag (
Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 02:57:03 EST


FAT32 is supported on Solaris 9. I have an external USB enclosure with
a 80 IDE disk in it. I have tried a lot of options but without success
so far. I cannot mount the FAT32 (pcfs) filesystem with the 'mount -F pcfs ...'
command. I have read the man pages without finding clues to why I cannot do
this. I get an 'I/O error' when trying to do so.

I can successfully create UFS filesystem(s) on the disk and mount them.
The device itself is nicely recognized through 'scsa2usb' as the devices

Have anyone successfully accomplished this?

Frode Stroemsvaag
Manager Information Systems

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