SUMMARY: IDPROM contents are invalid

From: Greg Bennett (
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 15:23:35 EST

Thanks to :

Steve Sandau
Dirk Bvnning
Hichael Morton
Steve Maher
Gene Matthews

Steve suggested I try to reprogram the IDPROM and referenced this link:

The link was quite informative but the IDPROM failed to reprogram. It was
interesting trying it though!

Hichael suggested I reflash the IDPROM with the latest patch from Sun. The
patch turned out to be 106121-18. I succesfully updated the OBP but the
IDPROM did not reprogram.

The answer to my issue as Gene, Steve, and the web page pointed out, was to
replace the IDPROM.

Thanks for all your input!!


Greg Bennett
Senior Unix Administrator
Equipe Communications
sunmanagers mailing list

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