Quickly mapping connecting IP to PID

From: Avleen Vig (lists-sunmanagers@silverwraith.com)
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 22:30:34 EST

Environment: Solaris 2.6 and 2.8

I have an application that listens on the network and spawns a new child
for each network connection.

I need to find a fast way to map each connecting IP to the PID of the
child that was spawned.

At first I thought 'lsof' would be ideal, but it takes far too long.
For each IP I give it, it takes up to 8 seconds to respond. The -C flag
can knock maybe a second off this, but that's still slow.

Ideally it wouldn't take more than a second or three to respond will all
the PIDs (there can be multiple connections thus multiple children).

Does anyone know how else I can achieve the results I want?
Linux netstat has the '-p' flag which does this :-(

Avleen Vig:
Work Time: Unix Systems Admin        Email: work@silverwraith.com
Play Time: Network Security Admin    Pager: av-pager, at silverwraith com
Smurf Amplifier Finding Executive:   http://www.ircnetops.org/smurf
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